Unlimited Policy
At DigitalBerg, we have several initiatives that embrace greener, more sustainable services.
Our Definition of “Unlimited”
We define “unlimited” as, there’s no need for you to worry about network transfer or disk storage space once your site becomes popular. See Fair Use Policy section below for further details.
There are other things though that are still your responsibility. If you don’t optimize your site, it can cause problems for the shared server, and we might, as a result, as you to sign up instead for your own DigitalBerg Private Server. Examples of problems might be that your site becomes a RAM hog or you do lots of disk I/O.
Most host providers have these same limits, but we hope you appreciate our honesty about it!
Fair Use Policy
Furthermore, in regards to “unlimited,” we provide you up to a 50 TB maximum usage as per our Fair Use Policy, which is a subsection of DigitalBerg’s Unlimited Policy. 50 TB is enough for high-traffic sites. As per our Fair Use Policy:
Use as much bandwidth as required: With all dedicated servers from DigitalBerg, you receive a traffic flat rate free of charge. Here our Fair Use Policy applies, which requires a fair usage of all our resources as well as a reasonable traffic usage.
Therefore, in case the bandwidth exceeds 50 TB on a 1 Gbit/s server during the current billing month, we will decrease the bandwidth to 100 Mbit/s.
You will be able to monitor you current usage in the customer panel. We will also inform you via e-mail should you approach the 50 TB maximum usage. In this case, you can purchase additional bandwidth for £7 per TB in order to extend your traffic usage.
About VPS
In terms of the Unlimited Policy, it will not apply to VPS machines anymore provisioned on or after November 12, 2004. When you sign up for a VPS plan, the stated desk allotment is listed on the specific plan’s page.
Please note: the Unlimited Policy does still apply to those VPS machines that were provisioned pre-November 14, 2014. For those VPS machines, the unlimited plan stays in effect, even when you renew. Provided the consumer is given notice within 30 days of renewal, DigitalBerg has the right to alter pricing. Regarding network transfer, it is unlimited on all VPS services.
MYSQL Databases
Yes, you can have as many MYSQL databases as you like but we ask that you keep them optimized, to help keep servers stable and that they be no more than a few GB in size.
What does “Unlimited” Forbid?
DigitalBerg does not allow websites that have the primary purpose to use bandwidth or disk storage.
Instead, when you create your website, you should first and foremost ask yourself how to make a site of interest to visitors while reducing your bandwidth, server storage, memory, file system, and CPU effect as much as you can.
As a result, the experience is the best possible for you, your visitors, and DigitalBerg.
These specific actions are not permitted:
Here at DigitalBerg, we reserve the right to delete data stored on our servers that are in violation of any Unlimited Policy condition and a general part of our Terms of Service. DigitalBerg alone decides what does and does not violate either our Unlimited Policy or our Terms of Service.
Wait – That’s Not So Unlimited, I’m thinking!
Look at it this way. If you are a legitimate website owner, then it is unlimited. This page applies to less than 1% of the people who create websites on DigitalBerg. We have to account for that (small) number of people who are trying to run free porn affiliate websites and so forth.
Make a conscious decision to go green with your web host provider. DigitalBerg operates with green policies for its products and services to ensure we are environmentally responsible.