Trying to access the webmail on horde from Plesk or Control Panel any VPS hosting installed Ubuntu 14.xx, I get the following error in my browser after login or sometime before login.


      1. SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table ‘horde.horde_prefs’ doesn’t exist
      1. Unable to access to Horde webmail: “Base table or view not found”
      1. Server error when querying database.


Option one:

Upgrade your Horde webmail Database

After Upgraded Plesk 11 to Plesk 12 the database with the horde webmail data corrupted or not upgraded properly. you can repair the database in the following ways: 

      • Repair/fix the existing database.
      • Create a new database for horde.
      • Restore the database from the pre-upgrade backup file.

Repairing the Horde webmail Database

The best way to repair and save the old data from server, Here is the the best procedure

      1. Repair the configuration of the existing Horde database:
/usr/local/psa/bootstrapper/pp$REL_ID-bootstrapper/ repair

If this command did not help, then run the following commands:

/usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/autoinstaller --remove-component horde

/usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/autoinstaller --select-release-current --install-component horde

If this method did not repair the database, re-install the database according to the instructions below.

Clean Installation of the Horde Database

Important: All the data existing in the database will be deleted. To learn how to preserve the old data in the new database, see Restoring the Database from the Pre-Upgrade Backup next in this section.

To re-install Horde and create a clean database, perform the following steps:

plesk installer --remove-component horde
plesk db "drop database horde"
plesk installer --select-release-current --install-component horde

Restoring the Database from the Pre-Upgrade Backup

To preserve the old data in the new Horde database when you re-install Horde, restore the data from the backup file that was created automatically before the upgrading.

# plesk installer --remove-component horde
# plesk db "drop database horde"
# rm -rf /etc/psa-webmail/horde/
# Restore the Horde database from the backup file that was created before the upgrade. You can find the file in the directory /var/lib/psa/dumps. If another directory is used, you can look up its name in the psa.conf file (the DUMP_D parameter).
# plesk installer --select-release-current --install-component horde

Option Two

if first one doesn’t work try option second:


      • Plesk for Linux/Unix
      • Plesk for Windows


      1. After upgrading to Parallels Plesk 11.5, I am unable to access Horde webmail. The following error appears:
Base table or view not found

2.The Horde log /var/log/psa-horde/psa-horde.log contains:

HORDE [horde] SQL QUERY FAILED: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'horde.rampage_types' doesn't exist
   SELECT type_id, type_name FROM `rampage_types` WHERE type_name IN
   ('calendar','event') [pid 54636 on line 815 of "/usr/share/psa-pear/pear/php/Horde/Db/Adapter/Base.php"]
   Base table or view not found: 1051 Unknown table 'horde_vfs_seq'
   Base table or view not found: 1051 Unknown table 'horde_muvfs_seq'
   Base table or view not found: 1051 Unknown table 'kronolith_shares_seq'
   Base table or view not found: 1051 Unknown table 'kronolith_resources_seq'


HORDE [horde] SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'attribute_color' in 'field list' [pid 21827 on line 1601 of "/usr/share/psa-pear/pear/php/Horde/Registry.php"]

3.The autoinstaller log contains:

Trying to upgrade Horde webmail configuration... Unable to upgrade 'horde' to the latest version, since its configuration is in broken state. Run bootstrapper repair to fix. Some problems are found during upgrade Horde webmail configuration(see log file: /tmp/plesk_11.5.30_installation.log) tac: write error
ERROR while trying to act on PEAR packages - description directory is not specified or does not exist

4.Running the bootstrapper with the “repair” key shows the following error:

ERROR: PEAR packages - description directory is not specified or does not exist


The Horde database has an inconsistent state. It is possible that it was not upgraded for some reason.


      1. Create a Horde database backup:
mysqldump -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow ` horde >horde.dump

2.Use the database upgrade script, upgrade_horde_db_11-5.txt (attached), to upgrade the Horde database manually:

mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` horde < /root/upgrade_horde_db_11-5.txt

If Horde files were not upgraded either, reinstall the Horde packages from

      • Linux
            1. Go to and choose your system and architecture.
            1. Open the /opt/horde/ directory and download the packages.
            1. Reinstall the Horde packages on the server using the command rpm -Uvh package –force. For example:
rpm -Uvh psa-horde-5.0.4-cos6.build115130812.16.noarch.rpm --force


In the event of a corrupted Horde installation, reinstall the component using Parallels Installer at Tools & Settings > Updates and Upgrades. Remove the Horde component, then reinstall it.

Unable to access to Horde webmail: “Base table or view not found”

Option three:

Try custom way:

cp /var/www/config/conf.dist.php /var/www/config/conf.dist

This overwrites the conf.php from the tutorial with the default conf.php from the horde install.

Now run:

sudo webmail-install

I chose the following options:

      • mysql
      • 0
      • horde
      • tcp
      • (my database is on the same server as horde webmail)
      • 3306
      • horde
      • utf-8
      • 0
      • blank
      • false

How to install Horde Webmail on Ubuntu 14.04?

More reference:

Plesk Site
